All Night FlightのMIX-TAPEシリーズ「TABI TAPES」の1番目のリリースとして、お店を始める前の私がつくったライヴMIX-TAPEです。当時は50部限定ハンドメイドのジャケットでしたが、プリントできるようになった(?)とのことで過去の作品を再販してくれました。Forestlimitでの録音で、ほとんどハウリング寸前の荒々しい音像になってます。
リリース時のAll Night Flightのコメントです
Freshly minted in-house guerrilla mix-tape series - Tabi Tapes - gets underway in fine style with the inaugural outing coming via esteemed Tokyo uber-digger / DJ Yohei Kunitomo aka pianola. Armed with an unmatched knowledge on the deepest pockets of avant-garde, musique-concrete, sound-art and other peripheries of experimental music, mostly through managing THE most mind-blowing collection of records on the planet at HMV Tokyo, pianola assembles an engulfing, nostalgia-laced trip through the ages. Blending found-sound, fragmented music-box memories and odd snippets fused with layers of electro-acoustic texture, Yohei's collage style is entirely unique and completely transcends the unending quest for over-fetishised record-objects in favour of re-contextualising old, forgotten, unknown and never to be known sound. Basically, tracklist here is completely out of the window, although the keen-eared amongst you might be able to pick up on a few nuggets. The B-side drifts away from the past towards a more hypnogogic, nature-indebted fusion of field-recordings, contemporary classical and traditional drone pieces, discretely blended to allow full immersion. Very special mix and a tough act to follow! 90 minutes - limited to 50 copies // download available on request.
P.S! Any Tokyo ppl or visitors, be on the look out for the upcoming pianola shop, Yohei's new record venture opening 2020 in Shimokitazawa which is sure to be one of the best places on earth to discover new music.