" the Magic Realistic Echoes for Nostalgia "
ー 望郷へ向かうマジックリアリズムのこだまたち ー
Nikola Chochkov (piano / in Berlin)、川松桐子(trombone / from tail, ざやえんどう, ヒネモス)、日与津十子(voice / 俳優) がゲスト参加している。
This is the first album released by Shin-ya Ohno, a musician active in "TRAPEZA" and "Yamamura Bocho no Uta", under the name of his solo project "KiMiMi".
Since the mid-90s, he has been producing home-recorded sound sources under the names Oonomatope, Ago no Showtai, Shin-ya Ohno, and others, selling and distributing them around the area. He stopped producing home-recorded sources for a while, but resumed in 2019 and completed this work.
"the Magic Realistic Echoes for Nostalgia"
The hustle and bustle of Istanbul's markets, the metro in Tbilisi, the beggars in Budapest, the Orthodox masses in Bucharest, the Turkish market in Berlin, the angry shouts and curses at Shinjuku station.
Field recordings of travels around the world and walks in neighborhoods.
Various tones, melodies, and rhythms, warped and tangled in both time and space-time.
Guest artists include Nikola Chochkov (piano / in Berlin), Kiriko Kawamatsu (trombone / from tail, Zayaendo, hinemos), and Tsutoko Hiyo (voice / actress).
A collection of psychedelic and lo-fi ambient sound sources, richly stewed in reality and unreality.
I hope you will enjoy listening to this entire album without interruption.